Lily by Kewalnam Christ

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LRXLILYRED is a metaphysical, metaphorical puzzle, a diverting reverie and a primal nightmare. Devoted to constructing a simulacrum of reality, intended on seducing and enlightening its readers. It’s an extravagantly abrasive novel full of grinding electro, pummeling minimalist hip-hop poetics, and industrial gear-grind. Intentionally off-putting, ranging in syntax and exploring ranges of literary, biblical, and political allusions that are major concerns in our current century.

What are the main themes of your book?

Love, Joy, pain, reality, dreams, theology, there are many themes, this book serves as a catalyst for our conscious evolution. 

Who or what inspired your story?

I was sitting home, watching this documentary for one of my favorite albums of all time, “Watch the throne”, and the energy I felt watching it, I desperately wanted to give to another. So I started restudying various religions, and ancient texts, understanding where we are as a people, and opening myself subconsciously to the mysteries of the universe around us. It was almost as if these pages were writing themselves; as I began writing, life began imitating art, situations that I wrote in fiction would play out in real life, and I knew that this was bigger than words on a page, this was 3 dimensional art.

What do you like best about your primary characters?

Their mystery, and authenticity. The book is a character driven novel, and I create these broken but functional characters that mirror the minds of many of us, it’s raw, and nude.

What are their worst peculiarities?

What are our worst peculiarities? We all seek love and acceptance, sometimes willing to hurt whomever, or even ourselves to get it, that is the answer for the characters as well, it’s real fiction. 

How does your main character evolve?

Don’t want to say too much without giving the ending away, but the character evolves as fast as the reader and vice versa. The main character Lily is this ethereal woman who appears at the beginning tracking in darkness and mystery behind her. Man, saying anything else will give the story away.

What’s the principal message you want to send to your audience?

It’s time for freedom, this book gives the codes to our freedom, the codes to our liberty. Not just physically but more importantly mentally, we have shackled ourselves to old tired ideals that have rendered us impenitent and weak. It’s time for a revolution and it starts here.

What’s the nicest thing anyone has said about your book?

“I would highly recommend this. The writing is rich and lyrical, the characterizations full and complete with each person known and mysterious at the same time. We follow each of them through joys, sorrows and growing moments.” Deb Carlin – read more on Amazon.

Where can we purchase it?


About Kewalnam Christ

10676288_10152446716923178_2083093390292100208_nThe world is at a weird point socially, where a lot of dominoes are being set into place, and what happens over the next couple of years may very well determine the course of the next ten. Enter Kewalnam Christ, a 23 year old black author, born in Toronto, Canada, raised in Brooklyn, New York. He’s an avant-gardist artist, with a gospel of higher consciousness. Kewalnam stands as an unprecedented voice amongst his generation, with a unique gift that separates him from most writers, his gift of synesthesia – Mr. Christ sees words as sounds, and creates every book like an album. His stories are full of dark surprises; anytime you feel calm and smug that you get what he’s doing, that’s just when he turns everything around on you. Sometimes this takes the form of grand sensation, sometimes great longueurs, sometimes painful and almost surreal sentimentality. His methods have often been unconventional and have sometimes taken their toll both on those he has worked with and on himself. Kewalnam Christ is not in the business of trying to make people feel comfortable. Kewalnam’s writing process is as unique as the product itself, opening his mind and soul to what he calls the knowledge of the universe. His spirituality coincides with a skepticism of authority and a dedication to combating society’s repression of the naturalist creativity. He has touched thousands of people, inspiring his generation and even elders before, with his blunt delivery, and polarizing passion. Kewalnam Christ is an icon with a message that’s greater than himself and a platform from which to spread it. In his lore, bigness and prestige are mandatory, he’s the flawed, egomaniacal revolutionary that our culture deserves, and he’s here to save us from ourselves.

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