NaNoWriMo Pep Talk with Raina Anatra

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Ah, November. The month that brought you right to NaNoWriMo’s shores. By now, you’ve probably started your novel  — maybe you tested the water with your big toe, maybe you dove straight into the surf. You deserve a big medal for showing up and starting, whether you’re a few dozen words into the challenge or several thousand.

Starting is one of a writer’s most useful muscles. It’s what puts us in the flow of momentum. It’s what gets us from “Once Upon a Time” to “Happily Ever After.” And starting is what keeps us going in between.

See if you can notice all the times you start writing. You start fresh each day. Start after an annoying interruption. Start after lunch. Start when you don’t want to. Start when you can’t wait to strew words on a page. Start at the beginning of a timed writing session. Start after you walk the dog. Start again even when you have no clue where the story will take you. Talk about flexing your muscles! Take credit for each and every start you can find. And if you’d like, move beyond awareness and appreciation of your awesome starting abilities and let each start become a celebration.

Starting is a beautiful expression of trust. In yourself, in your story, in the benevolent Gods of NaNoWriMo, in the massive waves of creativity always moving inside you whether you know they’re there or not.

Bravo to you, brave writer. Now start writing. Bravo to you for that as well.

~ Raina Anatra (aka Barbara Jacksha)

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